The benefits of partnering with a construction waste removal company

Construction projects of all sizes are guaranteed to generate a degree of waste. In fact, Australia’s construction industry, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), generated 12.7 million tonnes of waste in 2018-19.[1] Building waste materials must be dealt with appropriately and, if they aren’t, can cost significant time and money, and adversely impact the environment.  

Here are some key reasons why you should partner with a construction waste removal company like MET Recycling on your project site. 

Maintaining legal requirements 

Construction waste is not just general rubbish. It defines many different materials including asphalt, bricks, concrete, plasterboard, asbestos and contaminated soil. These materials can be dangerous to handle, especially those with toxic properties. Due to this fact there are laws that dictate how to appropriately handle waste. For example, Section 143 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 requires waste to be transported to a place that can lawfully accept it. According to the NSW Environment Protection Authority, construction companies must be aware of the type and amount of waste they generate to ensure that it is correctly and safely processed. 

Doing your part for the environment and the industry  

The construction waste materials that MET Recycling will accept from your site will be recycled and processed into new materials that can contribute to future construction projects. This will prevent tonnes of materials going to landfill where they can do no good. It also helps to reduce the cost, energy, and resources needed to generate new building materials, which helps to minimise the construction industry’s carbon footprint and positively impact the environment.   

Developing goodwill and positive brand image 

Public perception has shifted dramatically regarding sustainability over the years. Today, the way we treat the earth and handle waste is a sensitive topic; those seen to be disregarding the effects of landfill on the planet can be tainted by a negative reputation. By showing investors, regulators, the industry and general public that your company is willing to recycle materials and promote a sustainable industry, you promote a positive image and build trust in your methods. Demonstrating that your project site and overall company values respect the environment can vastly improve the way people view your brand. 

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Keeping your site clean and orderly 

A project site surrounded by mountains of rubble may create an atmosphere of construction progress, however excessive amounts of waste can become a hindrance if left unchecked. It can cost time and money to navigate heavy machinery and larger-scale materials across a site that may contain its own version of landfill space. MET Recycling’s team can remove construction waste efficiently and safely, allowing construction crews and machinery to move freely around the site to complete tasks on schedule.  

Keeping a site clear of debris and waste material, which may include hazardous waste, also ensures the site complies with health and safety regulations. It also helps keep a site aesthetically pleasing when investors or site inspectors visit. Of course, construction teams have priorities that do not involve removing tonnes of materials, which is why you should partner with a waste removal company. 

Reducing construction project costs 

Between construction equipment, permits and government approvals, wages, consultant fees, and the price of building materials, every construction project has its fair share of costs. Even though budgets are meticulously planned before a project commences, the cost of waste removal can often seem like an essential but irritating expense that gets in the way of progress. For example, in New South Wales, it costs $131.40 per tonne in metropolitan areas, and $75.70 per tonne in regional areas, to send virgin excavated natural material to landfill.[2] Depending on the scale of the construction site and waste materials, those numbers can add up significantly. Waste removal and recycling companies can offer affordable service rates that prevent project budgets from exceeding their limit. 

MET Recycling has a simple goal: harness the power of today’s building waste and turn it into something useful for future projects. If you decide to partner with a waste removal company on your project, contact MET Recycling on 1300 MET 123 or make an online enquiry. We provide affordable and comprehensive services for your construction needs. 

